Friday, January 31, 2014


Warm-Up: Skip / turn in

Lesson: Check your journal entry peer

In class quiz Monday / Journal Tuesday

Film: Civil War American Story of Us

HW: Journal Entry #3

Thursday, January 30, 2014


Warm-Up: EQ #2 work on  and add

Lesson: Expansion leading into Civil War

Activity: Finish Film

Civil War Causes Group Activity

Journal Sample Assessment Questions / Develop perspective on Founding Father #1

HW: Journal Entry #2 - Founding Principle and Key event/ Sample

Think Body paragraph- Topic Key Principle and Support is a Key Event. Use your organizers to for your research.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Warm-Up: How does the Religious Intolerance Reading Contradict and Support the 1st Amendment?

Lesson Question: Continued Growth, Relations with other groups of people.

1. Vocabulary
2. Unit Performance Assessment
3. Finish Film

HW: Reading #23 The History of the Constitution from the 1st homework packet.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Warm-Up: Based on last nights reading, it is clear that Religion keeps popping up during hard times in American History. Try to connect the Religious Revivals with the hiccups in history-

Lesson: Thinking about the Role of Religion
Homework Reading Freedom of Religion

Finish Manifest Destiny map

-Divisor: Ideas into why the nation divides

HW: baseline Religious Intolerance in America reading and quiz

Monday, January 27, 2014


Warm-Up: In the first 100 years of America, there were several changes and ideas to help influence the nation; what were some of the ideas from religion to create a new nation?

Lesson: Describe examples of expansion and Manifest Destiny.

Hint: Between the American Revolution and the Civil war, we have Westward Expansion, Early Industrialization, Religious Revivals, Women's Rights, Native American Removal, War with Mexico, Slavery, and so much more going on...

1. Finish Race - Laws
2. Reading John O'Sullivan - Religious ideas on Expansion
3. Mapping Westward Expansion - Manifest Destiny

HW: Back to School - Remind Parents; Religious Revivals in America baseline reading and quiz (Religious influence in US History)

Friday, January 24, 2014


Warm-Up: Race is it real? Explore the maps on PBS website too. Using the sorting activity, define race.

Discussion: Race

Slavery and Race Relations

HW: Baseline Reading Religion and American Society 11.3.1 (pg. 45) and Quiz.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Warm-Up: Explain the marriage between sugar and slaves; use the concept of virtuous circle in your answer.

Lesson: Slavery - Promotion of Slavery

Discussion on Slavery

Why Slavery was kept in the Constitution Readings.

HW: Reading Baseline new packet Social Darwinism.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Warm-Up: How much sugar do you consume?

Lesson: Moving West - What conflicts were encountered?

Native American Removal - Jackson Speech / Film Clip

Sugar and Slaves

HW: One more section of sugar article.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Wam-Up : Why does the US not want anyone messing with the Western Hemisphere?

Lesson: Read Tecumseh and answer questions as a class.
-Do the native american removal map activity with a partner, next to you.
-Finish the Westward film.

HW: Sugar article - Stop at Sugar and slavery. Annotate and margin note each paragraph.

Friday, January 17, 2014


3 Day Weekend!

Warm-Up: Why do you think the man you read about kept God out of the Constitution?


1. Finish EQ 1 - Worksheet

2. Discussion / H/O War of 1812

3. Westward Film

HW: Read PS. Monroe Doctrine #8 in homework packet.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


US 1/16/14

Warm-Up: What comment stands out from last nights reading? Do you agree, disagree, or want to learn more?

EQ- Problems with drafting the constitution?


Preamble / Articles / School House Rock

Bill of Rights

Fed v. Anti-Feds

-Work on Outline

HW: Second part of last nights homework; read about one man a-d, then finish the reading at Ultimately, on pg. 125. Follow the homework rubric for primary source.
US- 1/15/14 MLK Birthday Holiday on Monday

Warm-up: What do you think will be Washington's biggest challenge with becoming president? Think about British past, purpose of checks and balances

EQ: Purpose of the Constitution and Debate over drafting


1.Dec. of Independence Grievances

2. George Washington Film Clip

3. Articles of Confederation - Fed. vs. Anti-Fed

*Essential Question Sheet (Collect tomorrow (when completed) / Spot check homework)

HW: PS. #7 First Section -1st page/ stop once you get to the people

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


US History

Warm-Up: Who do you think will win, why?

Film - Rebels they turn into Revolutionaries

HW: Primary Source Reading- #6 What are Checks and balances?

Thursday, January 9, 2014


US History 1/10/14

Lesson Question: Why did colonist declare their Independence and what did they gain?

Warm-Up - What Enlightenment idea/principle do you think most inspire colonist to challenge British Authority and Why?

- Look at Primary Source Evidence from Enlightenment Thinkers
-American Story of US episode 1 "Rebels", Visual insight into the beginnings of America

Homework: Homework Reading Packet- Primary Source Reading "What did America win?" (#5) reference homework rubric for directions.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Unit 1 : Foundation of America

*Nuts and Bolts of Class

Essential Lesson Question- Who and why did people come to America to form the original 13 colonies?

-Pocahontas, What is History? Are depictions always accurate? Who is John Smith?
-Primary Source, Passenger List - a look at the groups of people
-American Story of US episode 1 "Rebels", Visual insight into the beginnings of America

Homework Reading Packet: Baseline Reading and Quiz- The Enlightenment and American Democracy, follow directions according to the rubric. Unit 1 Common/Content Vocabulary


Introduction Day:

1. Getting to know students:
Index Card-
a) Full Name
b) Favorite Food
c) Favorite Music
d) Favorite Activity
e) Something interesting about you that sets you apart from everyone else

2. US Map
-Where have you been, what do you know, and what do you want to learn?

3. Pocahontas
-What is History? Are depictions always accurate?

HomeworkCourse OutlineCourse Outline Verification
-On the US map write out all of the states names underneath or next to the abbreviations; you will use this map throughout the term.
-List 2-3 topics and what you are most interested in learning about and a specific question you have for each topic, complete this in the comment section of the blog. You must include your full name and block at the end of your comments.